Interim Manager as Head of Construction, Research & Development


B GmbH is a specialist construction supplier. B has lost its ladder construction. B’s human resources consultant estimates that refilling the position will take at least 6-9 months as the market for designers is generally thin and companies protect their experts with long notice periods. As long as B does not want to leave the position leaderless. Important projects are up for decision. But where should a designer come from so quickly, bridging the vacancy. Someone who is familiar with the industry and the specialty of B. Even if a replacement is found in the short term. Doesn’t an external third party take all the know-how with you? He gets access to all the valuable information from B. Isn’t that far too risky?

Advice from AC AlphaManagement

B asks the interim management provider of their trust for advice. First of all, B wants to know whether there is any interim construction manager at all and then also in her specialized area. B is very skeptical and expects a negative response. The provider selected by B is very experienced. Since he has been organising events for interim managers for many years, where one exchanges in person, works intensively with the associations Working Group Interim Management Provider and umbrella association Deutsche Interim Manager, he knows several hundred managers personal. He has access to every top interim manager in the German-speaking world.


Before he searches his database for the right manager, he first discusses the requirements profile with B. The provider wants to understand all the details, both the hard skills and the soft skills, before selecting an interim manager. The manager needs to come from the industry and have many years of experience in the role. He needs methods and cultural knowledge. Proven success in comparable projects. His management style has to fit the situation and the customer. He needs to be trustworthy.

Knowhow loss or gain by employing an interim construction manager?

Finally, within 72 hours, the experienced provider of B will present an interim head of construction that meets all requirements. An interim manager who can also well explain what he’s doing. B does not lose knowledge due to the manager, but on the contrary, B gets a knowhow transfer. The provider ensures that a professional confidentiality agreement is concluded. During the deployment, the provider checks that all parties involved are well informed and that everyone is satisfied. At the end, the interim manager works in the new permanent design manager and accompanies him for a few days. He is still available for questions even after the deployment.

Conclusion: An experienced interim management provider knows the top interim manager, who explains his work vividly, motivates the employees and carries out a know-how transfer. The risk of a know-how loss is minimized by the provider.

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