Are you an interim manager?

The satisfaction of our customers is our top priority!

AC Alpha, our partners, and the members of the ALPHA MANAGEMENT POOL® work according to fixed working principles. Because a partnership and yet absolutely professional relationship with our AC Alpha managers in the ALPHA MANAGEMENT POOL® is very important to us.

Our working principles:

  • Free membership
    We do not charge an admission fee or membership fees.
  • Privacy
    AC Alpha or our partners at Senior Management International will only approach a member regarding project inquiries for which the AC Alpha manager is appropriate. The pool member is used if the client agrees. ( here our privacy policy for interim managers )
  • Qualification
    The general qualification of each AC Alpha manager is checked by us before being admitted to the ALPHA MANAGEMENT POOL®. Assessment criteria are Education, practical experience in certain specialist functions, proven success, references, and a seamless, success-oriented CV. In the case of inquiries, the project-specific suitability of an Alpha Pool member is thoroughly checked by us or our partners in the first stage and backed up by project-specific references. The benchmark here is the requirement profile developed together with the client. In the second stage, the client checks the suitability of the AC Alpha manager based on his personal criteria. After completion of a project, the quality of the work done by the AC Alpha manager is assessed jointly by the client and us or our partners. This assessment feeds into the assessment of the suitability of the pool member for each of the following projects.
  • Transparency
    The step-by-step progress of the project is made clear to everyone involved. A detailed task and time plan, a clear listing of specific project results (intermediate and final results), an appropriate project organization (with significant involvement of the client) and monthly performance records from the AC Alpha manager serve this purpose.
  • Result orientation
    Transparency ensures that the planning, management, and control of the project is tight and geared towards the project results. Deviations from planned goals are thus recognized immediately. This enables fast and targeted countermeasures to ensure that the project goals are achieved.
  • Flexibility
    Deviations from the original plan are possible. They take place when they become appropriate and necessary due to new knowledge and the client has given his consent.
  • Independence
    Each AC Alpha manager independently carries out the planned tasks coordinated with the client as a freelance manager on a temporary basis. If the agreed project results are achieved and are not at risk for the future, we or our partners do not intervene in the technical implementation of the project by our AC Alpha manager.
  • Project security
    In the event of problems that the AC Alpha manager cannot solve for professional or personal reasons, he will receive support from us or our partners. If a project can no longer be continued by the AC Alpha manager for technical or personal reasons, we or our partners – if the client so wishes – enable the continuation of the project by selecting another suitable pool from the ALPHA MANAGEMENT POOL®. member is provided.
  • Duty of confidentiality
    All employees of AC ALPHA MANAGEMENT GMBH or our partners as well as all members of the ALPHA MANAGEMENTPOOL® are obliged to treat all information that becomes accessible to them in the course of preparing or carrying out an order as strictly confidential. The obligation to maintain confidentiality also applies after the project has been completed.
  • Duty of loyalty
    For every project that we or one of our partners approaches, the AC Alpha manager undertakes not to enter into any direct contractual obligations with the client with regard to this or a similar project. This applies for a period of 24 months starting with the end of the project (last invoice date) if the AC Alpha Manager is used. If, on the other hand, he is not used, the 24 months begin with the signing of the project-specific declaration of commitment.
  • Duty to inform
    The AC Alpha manager, while carrying out his task, is obliged to inform us or our partners of any problems that jeopardize the success of his work. Furthermore, the AC Alpha manager is obliged to inform us or our partners in good time if further external support is required for a project.

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+49 (611) 97 774 -315
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+49 (611) 97 774 -315

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