Interim IT manager cuts costs in global group

Success through methodological approach


The global packaging group M AG employs 100 people in the IT sector with billions of sales. M commissions a consulting firm to benchmark the IT costs. It turns out that IT costs are significantly higher than those of comparable companies. International IT projects will not be completed in the allotted time window and budget, the IT department needs to be reorganized.

The challenge

The IT ladder is an in-house. Technically very good but not strong in leadership. Weakened by poorly run IT projects, the analysis of the consultants puts additional pressure on him. He retreats to his snail house. M needs to correct the error. The IT manager is overwhelmed with the task. Classic Peter principle. M offers him a new job as an expert, which he also immediately accepts.


What is sought is a senior interim IT manager who has already successfully reorganized the comparable world-leading organization and has reduced costs up to 35. The interim management provider introduces M to an internationally experienced interim IT manager who is an expert in IT cost reduction. He works with change management methods and design-to-cost. The interim IT manager knows how to increase performance at a lower cost, through agile approach with a structured way of working in IT projects and rigorous controlling. Also, of course, through meaningful offshore services. A careful analysis of what know-how M needs in the long run itself and which service can be bought more cheaply.


The new interim IT manager is very successful. In the next balance sheet of the M, this is clearly noticeable. M has therefore taken over the new IT manager after 15 months in direct employment.

If you want quick results, you need a professional who has proven time and again that they can deliver results. A provider that understands exactly what its customer is looking for can introduce the right interim manager within a few days.




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